1+1 = 3 not equal to 2
everyone must be questioning and puzzled about above formula right?
that's it! you all must have been thinking that i'm not good in calculations.
it's up to you then what you want to think about me. but before that,
let me explain the story behind the above formula.
recently, I've been reading novel titled "Sinergi" and good news I've completed reading it!
keh3. congratulations to me! (cause i hate thick books! LOL)
I've heard about the novel from a friend of mine, she said all good things about
this novel. but still, i refuse to buy it. i buy the other books.
but then, i met with this novel for the second time, and the same friend of time still
promoted me this book, that time i have no choice, I've got nothing to buy
during the books festival, so i force myself to buy it. in malay we say paksa rela. haha!
but, you know what? now, i feel very grateful. and i think, that time ALLAH have
opened up my heart to buy the novel. praise to ALLAH.
I've gain a lot of knowledge from the novel. and that novel
really have realised me how should we treat our friend in Islam.
formula 1+1=3 not 2 is obtained from the novel.
and SERIOUSLY, i agree with the formula. it means, friendship that is tied on
faith to Allah will produced some kind of strong unexplained power.
for sure, you won't understand or you might not believe me if you don't experienced it
yourself right? some goes to me. but, after I've read the novel. i believe it.
and i hope someday, i can be like irfan and get a
friend like irfan and asid.
Both asid and irfan are the main characters in the novel.
now, it's my time to take place of a friend of mine to promote all of you to
read the novel! :D hurry up, guys and girls, don't waste your time! go to the nearest
store and purchase it on your own. with your bare hand so that your satisfaction is high!
*out of the topic* haha.
bye for now! assalamualaikum ~~~~~
he also reads it until he falls asleep! :D *joke joke* |