Friday, December 2, 2011

everyone do make changes!

ya! everyone change!
he changes.
i hate to see his changes BUT
what can i do?
i just hope for the best things.
i don't know whether his changes is for the best or not.
because i dont see any best things from him.
he just used to be like himself before!
what  an annoying guy!
but who am i to comment that right?
let's just pray for the best for him.

*today's post is just to share my own feeling about THIS man*

Thursday, September 1, 2011

t h e m e m o r y

dear ash's blog,

ALHAMDULILLAH today i've bought things that i wanna buy since last 2 weeks!
i'm really happy now, BUT still dont feel satisfy! haha!
me and my sisters, were out for shopping today!
it have been more than 3 months since we didnt go out together for shopping,
and now the time has come! i'm gonna miss this time again later.

it was such an exciting outing since there were only 3 of us,
without the presence of our parents. haha
we can shop without being scolded by our parents.!
we can shop freely and calmly!
such a great experience with my sisters.
urggghhh im sure gonna miss this moments.
when all of us have continued our study and go back to
our university's, we will surely have no time to be spent together..
okay, it's almost nearly to a sad story,
i hate to tell something sad, but i have to say that
and i have to separate with them for 3 months!
isn'it sad?
i can only contact with them through skype later on.
BUT i wanna talk with them on the spot, not through skype-ing.

that is too impossible, since i was in Serdang,
while my sisters was in Kuching and the other one was in Perlis.
ohhh how far is that? too far right?
hope we will be able to reunite again someday.
i just hope someday, this day will come again.
the day when we were having fun outing and shopping together. :D

with love,
your sister~ 


as usual, i'll apologize to all of u
for didn't updating my blog
for such a very long time.
i'm really sorry.
i''ve been very busy.
especially for the past month, 
which is fasting month.
i've got only few time to rest. 
fuhh! praise to Allah, 
it's eidul fitri now.
although it's a bit late for me to say,
but i still wanna say...
around the world.
hope this month will benefit all of us.

however, i've got some kind of bad news for u and
for me. i was very happy when i found out that
i have a week holiday for hari raya, 
HOWEVER! it's such a bad news when
that holiday is consider as our 
revision's holiday.
which means that WE HAVE TO STUDY
for those 7days HOLIDAY!!! 
OMG!! should i say thanks to them?
why dont they let us celebrate hari raya happily??
and for YOur information, i've only left 
2 days here, and after that i'll go back to my hostel.

i havent revise all of my subjecttt!!!
i just dont know what should i say.
It's our final exam, and i havent prepared anything!! :'(

urghhhhh! i am not in the mood of study now.
i wanna enjoy my life in here, in my own home.
hurmm, but what can i do?
i have no other choice.
i am a student after all.
i cant run away from any exams as i am a student.
just pray for my success ya?
i hope i am strong enough to face all 


Thursday, June 30, 2011

welcome back!

first of all, hello and assalamualaikum readers!
how r u? did u miss me? haha. just kidding.
it's such a long time since i havent
updating my blog. and sorry for that.
i've been very busy with my study.
now, i am UPM student of ASPER.
hihihi. know what?
i've experienced a lot of things here.
and also, lots of funny things had happen.
i wont shared it here.
it's too funny. it's more than enough that
u all know that i am upm student of asper now.

okay, just wanna share that thingy!
:) see yaaa!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

its weirdo!

now what? i've post something
last night. but it 
seems that the post
have been missing. omg.

that's really weird!!
such a weirdo bah.

Friday, May 13, 2011

untuk awak2 yang disayangi

assalamualaikum bloggers.
:) semoga sihat sentiasa hendaknya.
post kali khas untuk awak-awak yang disayangi.
nak tahu siapa awak2 yang sy mksdkan? :P
meh la bace. kalau terasa, awak la awak2 tu.

awak2 nak tahu tak kalau xlama lg saya nak smbng
blaja dah? sy smbng blaja kt tmpt yang jauh dr rumah sy.
walaupun berat hati, tapi kene gak pg. awak2 nak tahu
kenapa? sbbnya untuk menuntut ilmu la. hihi

awak2 nak tahu sesuatu tak? kalau da tahu tu,
buat2 la br tahu ye. :P
kalau kita ikhlas dalam menuntut ilmu tu kan,
kte dapat pahale taw. hehe. seronok tak?
seronok kan? so, meh la kte sm2 ikhlaskan
diri untuk menuntut ilmu. :)

and and and! ade lagi satu sy nak share.
hari tu saya ada dgr sorang ustzah ni ckp,
kalau kte nak berjaya dlm menuntut ilmu,
kte kena tetapkan niat kte. iaitu menuntut ilmu
okay2 saya tegaskan lagi, MENUNTUT
insyaAllah kte akan berjaya.

sebaliknya, jangan la menuntut ilmu
supaya nanti dapat jawatan yang besar,
or supaya dpt result yang gempak (okay! thats
SO, marila kte sm2 betulkan niat kte ye.
i know its a bit hard, but
jom kte try sm2 ye? :)
okay, just some sharing from me.
goodluck untuk everyone! :)

semoga kta kekal mendapat rahmat dan
hidayahnya. aminnn~

i'm getting matured!

hello readers!
how r u?
i'm getting fine but yet
i'll be missing my family
a lot lot lot. :(
oh, about that post title,
i really agree with that.
know what, after i've been
thinking a lot and a lot,
i've realised that i've done many
thing that cause trouble to my family,
esp my parents. i've spent a lot of money
on useless things. and i've regretted that.
im really sorry mom and dad,
i've caused u both into big trouble,
for my future, u've spent a lot of money.
im really sad. after what they have done
to me, i wont repeat my mistakes
again. from now on, i'll save money.
i love u mom and dad!
really love u.
i'll study harder and make urself proud
of me! i'm going to miss u both! :'(
thanks for everything.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

dilemma again

helo helo helo.
im not really happy today.

yaa, im counting days to leave my
precious home to continue my study.
yaa, and yet a lot of peoples hope
something nice from me before i go.

and im really sorry i cant left u those
sweet memories for you all.
and im sorry cause i cant satisfy all of u.

im really sorry. im not a type of person
that can do that. it's not that im being
sombong or what, it is just that
i'm not used with it.

please understand me yaa?
i really hope that from you all.
im still confused now.
and im speechless. i dont
know what to say.
okay, bye!

*i hope u all understand and dont change*
thats enough for me. thanks.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

sharing some info

hello guys!
sy br lepas baca satu blog ni.
TERjumpa blog ni kt satu blog yang laen, tp xingt
pulak link blog tu. hihik.
nevermind then.

sy tertarik dgn satu post yang berkaitan
dengan adab dalam islam iaitu
cukur bulu kemaluan.

honestly, topic ni agak sensitif utk
di bahaskan, tp dalam islam,
benda ni memang harus di pelajari.

lagipun, benda ni mengajar utk kebaikan,
bukan utk keburukan. am i right? :)

alhmdulillah, lepas jumpa blog ni
rasa bersyukur la pulak.
nak tahu knp? sbbnya, melalui blog ni sy dpt jugak
share dgn kwn2 psl info ni.

actually, sy dah tahu lama pasal benda ni,
tapii segan yang amat nak share kt kawan.
takut di cop sbg gila seks. hahaha.

sorry but i think that's the truth. :P
post ni sbg peringatan utk sy dan kwn2 dan readers
sekalian ye. marilah kta bersma2 menjaga kebersihan
diri dan alam sekitar (chewah! skema gler) Muahahahaha.
i dont care. yang penting i loike. hihik.ok. thats all.

assalamualaikum~  :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

saya mahu duit

duit? wang? money? chien?
okay suma benda tu sama iaitu benda yang sgt
penting dalam hidup kta.

tak dpt dinafikan duit atau wang membawa
pengaruh yang sgt besar dlm hidup kta.
kata orang, 'no money, no talk'

orang yang bnyk duit di pandang tinggi dan orang
yang kurang duit di pandang rendah. eh?
am i right? haha. kalau salah, just ignore la ye. ;p

okay okay, honestly, I NEED MONEY NOW!
cakap memang senang, tp nak dapatkan duit susah
weeyyy! even kerja kerani tusyen, u only get paid by
rm500 per month.

would that be enough for your whole life?
kalau nak tinggal kt cni,memang xcukup ler duit tu.
i mean if u live alone la.

u need to pay ur house rent, electric bill, water bill,
bill astro dan mcm2 lg la. gler bnyk kan?
nak bli groceries lg. ingt 20sen je ke groceries sekarang?

suma da naek harga beb! minyak pun da naek tau.
so, i'm really in need of money now.
bkn utk byr bil elektrik, bil astro
or etc, tp utk bli brng keperluan harian.

tehee! bnyk tau sy nak beli, utk stok bulanan.
muahahahahaha. maklum la, pmpuan kan suka
shopping. i've to admit that. but i'm not one of them.
haha. sy suke shopping ckit jer.
xsuke bnyk pun. haha.

okay2, thats all. goodnight readers!
sweetdream. :)

i'm confused!

assalamualaikum semua.
hurmm hari ini, hari yang amat menggembirakan
bagi bekas pelajar sekolah menengah yang
lepasan spm thn 2010
sbb hari ni la kuar result upu.
yea yea mostly org akan happy sbb dpt tawaran
and ada jugak yang sedh sbb xdpt tawaran.
as for me, i am sad. wanna know why?
sbb kos yang di tawarkan sangat sangat tidak
menggembirakan both of my parents. haish.
plus, dpt dekat u semenanjung.
i dont know what to say. they keep blaming
me for what had happen.
and all i can do is listen to what they have said.
although i hate it. and telinga menjadi sangat panas bila
dgr mereka membebel. know what?
saya rasa mcm dah malas nak blaja. -.-
baek tanam anggur je kat rumah sambil tunggu
lelaki hencem dtg untuk meminang.
muahahahahaha! giler punya cadangan. nak kena
penampar dengan mak haku nih! kena
penampar dan kena buang dr rumah
terus kalau dia dgr aku ckp mcm ni. BAHAHAHAHA.
okay, ignore those. :P
haiyer, saya sudah menjadi tak menentu sekarang.
rasa sangat pening kepala memikirkan tentang future!
oh tidak! how i wish i can be the most happiest people bila
dapat tahu result upu.
apa apapun, just give me some space and time,
i'll think about it again later.
sangat tension sekarang.
bye bye bye all!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


helo helo semua.
tengah malam seperti ini, saya nak share
something yang a bit emotional with u all.
it's about friendship. :) bila share something yang emotional,
i prefer in bm. haha. sbbnya? i'm still not pro in english. haha
just a basic english okay reader? ;p
okay, back to topic ye.
pasal friendship. hurm, i know friendship
topic is a bit sensitive. but i prefer friendship than relationship?
haha. sbbnya? sy ada best friend tp xda boy friend. hahaha
boy friends ada la. muahaha. gurau ajer yerr.
friendship? best friend? besties?
what does this mean to you?
for me, it means a lot. my friend had change me.
she helps me a lot.
i really love her. i dont want to lose a friend like that.
know what? i think she had done a lot for me.
i wanna do the same things, but i cant.
i'm way too clueless just like what my friends have said.
oh dear! hope u understand ya. i can only pray for you.
and i hope u dont be too nice to me. haha.
i'm scared that i cant repay ur debt someday. ;p
know what? i've never thaught that she will be my best friend.
reasons? haha. we've never closed and seldomly talk to each other.
plus, she had an active treat and me? really passive ma.
especially to those that i've just know/met for a few days!
i'm sorry but that is me. i cant change that.
 i've tried to change my attitude, but bad things come. haha.
soo, i dont think i'll change it again. XD
okay, sungguh jauh sudah sy melencong. -_- i'm sorry.

back back back then, she is soo popular.
she's got a lot of gangs. not gangsters aa. but friends.
and yet me? i've got few friends but close few friends. hihi.
hope u understand what i'm talking. haha.
and then and then kan, we've met in this one holiday camp.
it such a tough camp for me. yea because of my attitude.
thanks to me. -.- i've got friends in that camp
but they are really annoying. most of them just ignore me.
ouhh how sad i am that time.
only a few of them cared for me i think?
i still remembered about this one incident when
something really bad had happen. i really cant forget about this incident.
i'll keep it as a secret okay. :) this incident really taught me a lot.
and i've got a lot of an unanswered question about this incident.
i felt really sad during the camp.
i was left all alone.
at that time, all i can think is home.
i wanna go home! i really wanna go home! but
that wont happen. and i can only cry on my own.
and then, one girl come to me and
calm me down. thanks to that girl.
she said to me, "sbr kak. kmk paham perasaan ktk. kta sama2 kenak tinggal org"
i know those words sounds funny but i'll just ignore it.
maklum la, masa da sedey, mana ada peduli pasal benda mcm tu kan? haha

aaaa alhamdulillah. thanks to that girl. :) because of her, i felt a bit calm.
although inside of me, i felt really really sad and i'm hurt. ;(
but nevermind, that incident already happen. i'll take that as my bad memories.
i hope that wont happen again in my life.
after that incident, i've got my best friend.
and we are really close. dont misunderstood us.
we're not lesbian okay? we're just a best best and close close friend and might
be siblings from different parents. haha!
i really heart my best friend now. ;p
so, u guys, if u got best friend, dont ignore them.
they are very valuable. kata orang, teman ketawa itu memang bnyk, teman
menangis itu sedikit. i've got it already.
so how's ur all? if got, take care of them . it is not easy
to get a good friend nowadays. i hope our friendship last forever ya.
amin!! okay, thats all dude!
such a long post for midnight. hehe.

tiut kan? hehe just like our friendship. ;p

ohh post yang sepatutnya dalam bm, sudah bercampur dengan bi
and at last jadi rojak. nyum3! haha. i'm really sorry.
hope u enjoy reading. kalau xenjoy, buat2 la enjoy. hahaha

assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cant Wait!

assalamualaikum readers!
how how how r u all?
me? im fine today.
really really fine.
alhamdulillah. hihi.
hurmm, im counting days now.
know what? i've been really busy since
i've got my p license.
huh. busy shoping with those mama's.
haha. oh about that counting days, ya
i'm counting days for my upu result
and for becoming family's day of masjid assyakirin.
cant wait cause it's my first time joining this programme.
hehe. for your information, i've never ever go to this programme.
haha really cant wait. ok, thats all.
bye! haha. just a short post for tonight.
i've got no more idea. sorry readers.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Good Day :)

hye hye hye!
how's ur all?
im really really really happy
tonight! wanna know why?
because i've received some gifts! haha
know what? i love receiving gifts from people.
haha. i dont know why.
but i love it alot. and im sure everyone
also love it right? ;p if i were ask to choose
gifts, i'll choose the one that i can keep.
i love to make gift collections.
it's my hobby i think? ;p
oh about this gift that i just received.
yeaa, i think this girl just break a record
and make a history in my life! haha.
sounds like very historical right? ;p
i really appreciate it, cause
its my first time received those kind of gifts.
pity me kan? haha. but nevermind.
now i've experienced it. :)
okay, let see how beautiful those gifts are...


first beauty :


So small kan? but i like. ;p

second beauty :

looks yummy! i love chocolate. ;p

nice kan? :)

third beauty :

this is belong to umi. she wanna give it to me but i refuse.
i cant eat both of this things. i wont be able to finish it. hihihi

i love the colour and design. ;p

oh btw, i've ate the first beauty. it really really really delicious. i wanna eat it again someday. haha.
how about the second beauty? i havent eat it. ;p i dont have the heart to destroys it beauty. haha.
forget it. just a joke! ;p hurm hurm hurm. hehe. before i forgot, THANKS A LOT TO THE ONE WHO GAVE THIS TO ME. MILLION THANKS FROM ME YA! ;)

okay, thats all. gudnite guys and girls.
assalamualaikum. ;)

Friday, April 29, 2011

i'm still trauma

uhh? trauma?
have u ever heard that word?
im sure u have heard it.
yea im still trauma.
trauma about what?
im still trauma to drive at hill.
ouh, i know it sounds strange
but it really happen okay.
wanna know why?
hurm, i'll tell u guys.
it's because i've had an accident yesterday
because of that hill. i can said that hill is
stupid as im really angry but i wont said so cause
its not polite. it happen really fast.
im driving my car, i've used the
right gear and then i hold the clutch and release it slowly
and i do it correctly, im sure! except using handbreak. -.-
i have to tell u guys, i really hate to use handbreak.
i said that cause it annoyed me. haha.
and because of that handbreak, the car that i drive
moving backward and bammmmmmmmmmm!
i've crushed the plate numbers of the car behind me.
and and and waittt! the car follow me too near also.
i can said that is one of the reasons i've had an accident.
but, it is all because of Allah's will.
i'll just be tawakkal. insyaAllah everything that had happen
will have it own advantage and disadvantages.
hurmm, mcm kata pepatah melayu, semua yang berlaku, pasti ada hikmahnya. =)
i hope that this is the first and the last
accident that would happen to me.
and thanks to that aunty for being soo 'kind' to me.
know what? they ask me to pay rm100 to make a new car plate number.
i know a hundred is more than enough to make a new one and im
sure they wanna use that money for other things.
reason? when i offer them myself i wanna make
a new car plate no, they refuse.
oh i really hate that! they really are greedy right?
that accident have teaches me alot of things.
one of it is, the importance of using handbreak when u r at hill.
haha. and since that, i'll be more carefull in driving.
okay2, i'm tired now. i should heading to bed now.
gudnite guys.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011

outings with my mom

assalamualaikum ollss. hehe.
im going to share something about
my outing with my mom today. ;p
its tiring but fun! ;)

ok ok, first of all, after i send my aunty
to her work place, both of me and my mom,
we go to pantai abf at kidurong. our main objective
is to buy ikan tongkol. im not sure
how to say that in english. haha. sorry yer. ;p
however, our main objective change! omy!
that always happen when im out with my mom.
huh! but nevermind. oh btw, we arrived
there around 8.30am guys,  thats why we didnt
archieve our target. haha. that market open around 10
if im not mistaken. only a few people start to sell things.
but they just sell bananamama. haha.

oh, while waiting for someone, i've snap some pictures!
wanna see guys? really wanna see?
u sure i'll let u see? haha.
yea, u know im kind right?
of course i'll let u see.
bahhh, let us seee! hehe

nice view right? ;)

the boats belong to those fisherman. they sell fresh fish her. but, the price also
'fresh' maa. haha

my friend said, they wanna build a resort here,
just like the one at maldives island. im nt sure
cause i dont live here. ;p
but, it seems to be true and i hope it is true. ;)

i love that view. it looks classic. haha

a big big stones. nice!

place for sit? no dating2 here please laa. 

see that? they are making a road there. this place is still under construction.

i wanna catch a fish here. but i dont know how. o.o

see those lorries? cant see ma? hurmm

can see already? ;)

sooo, how was it?
nice right?
come here la someday.
choose Bintulu as a place for your family vacation. ;p

okay, adioss guys.

very sad story~

hello readers!
peace be upon u.
i want to share something that might
cause u to cry. it really touching guys.
i've watched it and i've cried a lot.
and i think the same thing might happen
to you. eventhough u r not an animal lover.
but, it really is a sad story.
lets read and watch....

click here

Monday, April 25, 2011


bila menegur utk kebaikan,
tapi dipermainkan.
u know, it hurts me a lot.
now, i should think more and more
walaupun utk menegur ke arah kebaikan....

should i say sorry for being too sensitive? 

sleeping time

no talk but just watch. thanks for ur cooperation xP

oh this is mama lolom and her daughter tumboi. wanna know
why her name is tumboi? easy! cause she act like a boy. hahaha!

this one is the oldest cat in our family. his name mondok.
he is a gangster in our neighbourhood. 

cant see his face clearly? later i zoom for u. hihi

see? his face does look like a gangster right? haha. i have to admit that

this one name bee ken. just call him ken ken. he is a shy cat.  ;p

his face look like a female cat right? haha.

this one is my besties at home. he always
follow me wherever i go. including TOILET! haha

his name is tungai. ;p nobody cant wake him up when he is asleep.

mondok make a cute pose while he is sleeping

mondok and his daughter. this girl, follow her mama's gene ok. haha

cute? they both have a larger head. haha

' u wake me up! urghhh! ' she said. haha

ok ok, thats enough! i wanna sleep. dadaaa~

cute isnt it? i know. haha.
adioss . . . . .
happy monday everyone!~
just a short entry today. ;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

a journey to Sebauh

assalamualaikum my readers..
how's ur day?
good? fine? ok? marvelous?
answer it yourself  ;p
mine..hurmm, its just okay i think.
a bit boring for today.
but nevermind. ignore it. ;)

today, i'm going to talk and shared about my
journey yesterday. it's not my journey actually,
it's our journey. ;)  our journey refers to my mom,
me, umi, umi's mom and my mom's friend
which is aunty masyita (i'm not sure how to spell her name ;p)
yesterday's journey is a history which i think
will not be repeated. know why  i said that?
experience it by yourself  first, then you'll know it!
hahaha! oh, btw, our objective going to sebaoh is
to buy a lobster (which is known as udang galah in malay ).
haha. we go there by using two cars. one car is mine
and the other one is aunty masyita's car which is viva in red colour.
both of our car for the journey is cute right? we're soo brave right??! haha
bravery woman! i drive in the first two hours and more i think.
and then, umi will then drive back to bintulu. haha.

i'm too tired to drive back. you know something?
it's our first experince driving in those road with that condition.
do you know what condition? later i show you the road.
i'm sure you must be surprised! as for me, the driver,
 it's really scary to drive there. with the sharp bend and the high hill.
omg! i think i'm almost fainted but i cant. haha.
i wanna show how strong and brave i am therefore i continue
to drive eventhough i'm a bit scared with those condition/situation.
it challenge me as a driver. but i'll never give up before i try ok? hehe.
ok okay, dont waste time
 lets see the pictureesss! ;)))

see how high this hill is?

see the hill?isn't it scary? i almost stuck in one of this hill  -____-

high hill with a shap bend. 

moving down the hill. the car going fast here. ;)

take 5 to buy something for ole2. haha. not take 5 actually, i think take 10.

beli jangan xbeli. tp memang xbeli pun. XD

another high scary hill. O.O

another sharp bend. omo!

at last! this is what we got after a tough journey. ;)

bosa x? i love it's egg! haha.

andd after we arrived home, everyone cook this prawn as their lunch. yummyyyy!
a worth journey isnt it? oh, besides that, we also bought corn. it's cheap. 3 for rm2 for 
a medium size one and 3 for rm5 for a bigger size. 

okayy, bye for now dear! im a bit busy now. cant update my blog always. hope my readers
have a great day. ;) oh, btw, start from next week, i'll have a part time job as a driver but 
an unpaid driver. ;( nevermind, i'll do it as a favour only laa. haha. okay2,
adiosss. assalamualaikum  ;)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


hi hi hi!
hari ini, saya ada semangat mahu update blog.
so, readers sekalian, mesti la bersemangat
jugak utk baca dan like post saya ye. thanks thanks
a lot! hihik.
ohhh, assalamualaikum for muslim readers. ;)
hari ini, petang ini, dan yang sewaktu dengannya,
dengan jayanya, saya telah memandu sendiri untuk
pergi shopping dengan best friend saya kat satu2 nya mall
yang wujud di bintulu.
nama mall tu? xyah tahu lah ye. xpenting pun. XP
actually, word shopping tu, macam gempak je.
tapi shopping kami xgempak pun.
nak tahu kenapa?
sbb, kami hanya membeli benda2 kecik je.
kalau shopping ni biasanya beli baju,
seluar  etc etc. tapi kami hanya membeli
barangan keperluan seharian je. haha.
i know it sounds funny.
macam ibu2 je bila kami pg shopping beli barang dapur.
haha, i dont care bah.
i loike it! XD
ohh, correction here! yang beli barang dapur tu,
saya. my BFF plak just beli fast food.
haha. nasib baek food tu xhbs sebelum sampai kt umah.
kalau habis sebelum sampai umah,
i dont know what else should i say. haha.
oh oh oh! i almost forgot!
i also bought a wallet tadi kat mall tu.
wallet tu look almost the same mcm yang my bff punye,
jangan tertipu.
kat dalam wallet saya look very very very different
from her wallet. soo, dont judge book by its cover ok?
xsemestinya bila luaran nampak sama,
dalaman pun sama ye. hihi.
ok2, meh tgk wallet yang saya beli.
shantek tau.
pink lagi tu. i loike!
kalau green, i lagi lagi lagi loike! ;p

shantek kan? shantek kan?
i love the stripe and the colour.
kalau ada wana hijau im sure more beautiful than this. ;(
but, nevermind, i'll just be grateful with what i have now.

btw, thanks to my bff for accompany me today. ;p
kawan2 saya yang laen tu, jangan mare tau.
emergency case tadi. cant bring u all.
sorry sorry. hihik.
peace no war. '.'v


Gula2 Kapas Vs AWan

hello reader!
hari ini, ms on the way nak pg ke suatu tempat,
i saw something. something that look really yummy!
haha. wanna know what is that??
im sure everyone love to eat this when u are kid. ;p
ok2, no more teka teki.
food that im talking about is....
gula2 kapas! hihik.
tapi kan, yang saya tgk tu, bukan gula2 kapas,
awan yang nampak mcm gula2 kapas. ;(
tapi biarlah ye. haha
jum cakap pasal gula2 kapas. nyum2. ;p
i love to eat this. especially the
one with green and white colour.
yummy okay? nyum3. ;D
oh oh, bila cakap pasal gula2 kapas nih,
teringat pulak satu peristiwa masa kami sekeluarga
pergi ke suatu festival apa ntah. xingat lagi da. memory low.
maaf ye readers sekalian. ;p

ok2, continueee...
masa kt festival tu, kami pg la ke suatu gerai ni.
xla mcm gerai sgt. biasa2 sahaje. haha.
i dont know how to describe.
im not good in describing things. haha.
before kami pg gerai tu kan,
xda langsung orang pergi ke gerai tu untuk
beli gula2 kapas. tp yang magiknya haha
lepas kami beredar dari gerai tu, ramai la pulak
orang pergi ke gerai tu untuk beli gula2 kapas.
nak tahu tak kenapa? ;p
actually, nothing magic happen here.
haha. they are actually excited and amazed
bila tengok persembahan pak cik yang buat gula2 kapas
tu. haha. first time jugak saya tengok orang buat gula2
kapas sambil menari dan berkungfu apa ntah.
tapi memang mengujakan la tgk.
rasa mcm orang yang berhormat je bila
pak cik tu buat persembahan depan kami. haha.
lepas tu dengan bangganya kami beredar dari gerai tu.

bila saya tengok balik gerai pak cik tu,
fuhhhh giler banyak orang nak beli gula2 kapas dgn dia.
especially kids. haha.
rasa macam nak gelak je bila teringt balik peristiwa ni,
tp best la. kami dpt beli gula2 kapas yang besar giler
dengan harga yang murah. hihihi. jangan cemburu. ;p

nampak x awan yang bulat besar macam gula2 kapas tu?

can see that cloud? yummy cloud

a bit blurr

bila tgk awan tu tadi, rasa teringin pulak nak
makan gula2 kapas. i want the white one!
anyone??? give meee. hahaha.
joke only ok.
saya masih menyayangi gigi saya.
saya tak mahu gigi ronggak pada
usia yang muda seperti ini. ;p

ok, till then, see ya!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bila Mata TakMau Kompromi.

tengokla gmbr2 di bawah yer.
this is the result, bila mata xmau kompromi dgn badan.

ohh, itu la yang terjadi bila da xsedar diri mengantuk tp nak
jugak bergambar. haha. eh, saya xsalah ye.
im just his photographer. XD
im totally right! HAHAHA.
btw, thank to my model, attan.
