Thursday, March 31, 2011

untitle AGAIN

assalamualaikum readers.

sorry for havent updating my blog 
for such a long long time.
it's because i'm too busy 
with my driving lesson. =.='
u know its really tired attending those classes.
fuhhh and good news, i already pass
my pretest. =)))
and next week will be my jpj test.
sooo pleaseeee wish me a good 
goood luck ok bebeh? ;p
i hope i wont be nervous.  
i want to be as cool as her. hihik.
u know who is 'her' that i refer to?
ok ok i tell u guys who she is..
she is my best fren.
hurmm her name?
hihi. she is really cool in everything.
i really want to be like her.
really want to be. 
but i dont know how. =(

ok, nevermind then..
just wish me luck guys.
thank you.

*hugs and kisses*



Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Alhamdulillah !

assalamualaikum reader
as u all know, today is the day
for those who sit for
SPM last year. and its me! haha

yeah! i've been waiting long
and i'm relieved now!
its over and i'm very
very very very very
grateful for my result.
i know it's not good enough
but still i'm grateful
cause i dont believe this is my result. hihik.
wanna know why i dont believe it?
tepuk dada tanya la hati anda. haha.
just joking! relax guys.

i got b for my science subjects!
i really dont believe that.
i even got b+ for my chem. omo!
alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah
thats all i can said. hihik.
terima kasih sbb da bnyk mendoakan saya include my parents.
love u soo much!

i thought it was a lie when my teacher
message me telling me about my result.
thanks teacher! thanks a lot!
i love my teachers!
thanks for teaching us (5A students of smk bandar 2010)
kalau dulu2 tu ada mengumpat ckgu,
tu tandanya sayang. haha!
jangan mare ye ckgu. ;p

ok itu sahaje utk hari ni.
bye2 adios n apa2 ntah ucapan selamat tinggal.
hihik. doakan kejayaan saya yee?

my mum ask me to become a doctor?
can i?
idkwts.. hurmmm
just pray for me ok dear?


Monday, March 21, 2011


Assalamualaikum semua.
hope anda happy2 sahaje ye. =)
ouh, btw i wanna say sorry first for this
post. saya agak emotional untuk
menulis post ini.
so, kalau ada yang terkasar bahasa, forgive me
dear.  =)

actually, nowadays or more accurate
last few days haha i've visit lots and lots of blog
and other social network and i've seen their photos also.
(i'm sorry for using too many and XP)
and u know what?
i'm dissappointed.
too dissappointed!
it's not that i'm jealous of them.
but doesnt it look nice
if u use clothes yang berfesyen tapi
tetap menutup aurat macam yang dianjurkan 
dalam agama kita?

i know, i'm not the right person
who should say this. but i think
i've had enough! 
i just dont get it.
why they do that. =.=
ada yang bertudung tp pakai bj 
lengan pendek, legging, ketat2 etc
then yang tak bertudung pulak, omg *speechless*
sy tahu sy pun xperfect, kita sama sahaja.
sbb tu kita kena saling mengingati ke arah kebaikan
supaya tak ada org yang lalai.
same thing happen to me, 
mana tahu nanti sy berubah ke, 
tudung hilang entah ke mana, 
so then, it's ur turn to correct me. 
i'll accept that. lagipun saya sangat 
sedih melihat para ayah yang 
terpaksa menanggung penderitaan akibat 
perbuatan anak2 perempuan mereka.

u know what?

read below....

Tazkirah Jumaat : 4 Lelaki ke neraka disebabkan wanita
Thursday, October 8, 2009 | digg it
No comments Posted by

Di akhirat nanti ada 4 golongan lelaki yg akan ditarik masuk ke neraka oleh wanita. Lelaki itu adalah mereka yg tidak memberikan hak kpd wanita dan tidak menjaga amanah itu. Mereka ialah:

1. Ayahnya

Apabila seseorang yg bergelar ayah tidak mempedulikan anak2 perempuannya di dunia. Dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat,mengaji dan sebagainya. Dia membiarkan anak2 perempuannya tidak menutup aurat. Tidak cukup kalau dgn hanya memberi kemewahan dunia sahaja. Maka dia akan ditarik ke neraka oleh anaknya.

(p/s: Duhai lelaki yg bergelar ayah, bagaimanakah hal keadaan anak perempuanmu sekarang? Adakah kau mengajarnya bersolat & puasa?..menutup aurat?..pengetahuan agama?.. Jika tidak cukup salah satunya, maka bersedialah utk menjadi bahan bakar neraka jahannam.)

2. Suaminya

Apabila sang suami tidak mempedulikan tindak tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat, memperhiaskan diri bukan utk suami tapi utk pandangan kaum lelaki yg bukan mahram. Apabila suami mendiam diri walaupun seorang yg alim, solatnya tidak pernah bertangguh, puasanya tidak tinggal, maka dia akan turut ditarik oleh isterinya bersama-sama ke dlm neraka.

(p/s; Duhai lelaki yg bergelar suami, bagaimanakah hal keadaan isteri tercintamu sekarang?Dimanakah dia? Bagaimana akhlaknya? Jika tidak kau menjaganya mengikut ketetapan syari'at, maka terimalah hakikat yg kau akan sehidup semati bersamanya di 'taman' neraka sana .)

3. Abang-abangnya

Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada, tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh ke bahu abang-abangnya dan saudara lelakinya. Jikalau mereka hanya mementingkan keluarganya sahaja dan adiknya dibiar melencong dari ajaran Islam, tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat kelak.

(p/s; Duhai lelaki yg mempunyai adik perempuan, jgn hanya menjaga amalmu, dan jgn ingat kau terlepas... kau juga akan dipertanggungjawabkan diakhirat kelak...jika membiarkan adikmu bergelumang dgn maksiat... dan tidak menutup aurat.)

4. Anak2 lelakinya

Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yg haram di sisi Islam. Bila ibu membuat kemungkaran mengumpat, memfitnah, mengata dan sebagainya...maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertanggungjawabkan di akhirat kelak....dan nantikan tarikan ibunya ke neraka.

(p/s; Duhai anak2 lelaki.... sayangilah ibumu.... nasihatilah dia jika tersalah atau terlupa.... krn ibu juga insan biasa... tak lepas dr melakukan dosa... selamatkanlah dia dr menjadi 'kayu api' neraka.....jika tidak, kau juga akan ditarik menjadi penemannya.)

Lihatlah.....betapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah diakhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat.

Maka kaum lelaki yg bergelar ayah/suami/abang atau anak harus memainkan peranan mereka. Firman Allah SWT; "Hai anak Adam, peliharalah diri kamu serta ahlimu dari api neraka dimana bahan bakarnya ialah manusia, jin dan batu-batu...."

so what do you say?
xkesian ke kat family korang?
kat ayah korang?
kat bakal husband korang?

nak kata anda xtahu, impossible.
i think dalam subjek pendidikan islam
para ustzah dan ustaz ada pulak menerangkan
pasal batas2 aurat nih.
hurm, no idea apa mhu jadi.
tp saya harap insan2 itu akan berubah. amin!

oh btw, post ni sekadar luahan hati sy sahaja.
sila jangan marah tanpa sebab ye.
this post is as a reminder for me and u all.

tepuk dada tanya la hati anda.

kan cantik kalau bertudung macam ni? =)

jum kita sama2 tutup aurat untuk dapatkan keredhaan Allah   =)

Friday, March 18, 2011

It Touched me and u

hari ini saya sangat rajin mahu 
update blog. so, saudari saudara 
sekalian rajin2 jugak la comment ye. hihik

ok, berdasarkan kepada tajuk
entri di atas, saya ingin mengeSHARE 
dengan rakan2 sekalian tentang peristiwa
yang berlaku semalam.
sys tak peduli kalau anda semua mahu
cakap ayat saya ini skema. ;p

malam tadi, masa saya tengah syok2 melayan
lagu2 dari Maher Zain, sy pun terbuka hati la nak
baca comment yang ada kat mv tu.
fuhhh touchingg giler.
saya sangat tertarik kat dua comment ni.
dua comment ni sy dpt dr dua mv maher zain.

so, sila lah baca comment yang ada pada gmbr di bawah.
jangan malu2 yer.. ;P

 read the longest comment.

 this song really remind peoples to Rasulullah saw.

Subhanallah! thats all i can said.
i'm ended up being speechless.


i'm grateful being a muslim. 
alhamdulillah. memang benar kata orang,
aura Maher Zain ni sangat kuat.
even mak cik mak cik pun nyanyi lagu ni.
budak2 yang xpandai sangat english
pun maen hentam je nyanyi, yang 
penting bunyi nya sama. haha.
tp memang tabik la kt mereka. 
saya pun suka jugak nyanyi lagu mz  ni. haha.
tp masa saya sorang2 sahaje la. 

jom kta layan lagu mz japp...




hari ini saya mahu sharing2 picture
umai yang mamak sy buat.
sangat sodap taw.
mesti mkn ni. XD
tak kisah la nak beli ke atau buat sendiri.

for sure, sekali cuba pasti nak lagi.
really really really really delicious ooo.must try.
i called this umai as sushi sarawak. hihik.
eventhough i havent try japanese sushi ( pity mee :(  )
but nevermind la..
this one should be enough for me.
hihik. ok, bon apetite! ;)

i love its colour! it makes me wanna eat more and more. XD

It's Scary

Assalamualaikum readers.
peace be upon u  =))

i would like to share something with you.
it's about another social network, but this one 
is different. it is more to learning foreign
languages. i've known this site for about 2 months
ago i think from my FB friend.
 it is Livemocha.hihi. i'm sure most of u know this site. ;)
 the purpose i'm joining this is to
learn korean language and to get a
foreign friend from Korea Or Japan.
hihik. i dont know why i want to
be friend with them. dont ask  me okay? ;p

but for sure i really really really really really
want to be friend with them. but i dont think
they want to be friend with me, right? haha.
ok, forget it then. XD

and after such a long time i didnt sign in
my account, i got an email from livemocha.
i was sooo happy as if i've got lots and 
lots of money from them. haha
i thought i've got an email from those koreans.
 but what i've thought doesnt come out to be true. =.=
i'm a bit sad but i' curious. hihi
then i open the email and read it.
omg! at first i'm a bit blurr reading it.
 i was happy when 'she' said she's interested in me.


i'm a bit confused when 'she' said

remember the distance or colour does not
 matterbut love matters alot in life

Oh My!!! i'm a bit shock. 
i thought this 'woman' is a gay. haha
oooppppsss a LESS i mean. hihik. ;p

but then, i look at 'her' photo,
it shows that 'she' is not a woman.
but he is a man.
A MAN!! omo =.=


'she' said she is miss Jane.
oh no!
i'm confused.
what is 'her' actual gender??

 read message below for more information. haha

it's scary for me when i read 'her' message
i'm sorry woman, i'm not interested in you.
i'm just interested in having a Friend.
i mean a friend with known gender.
so bye2.!
i wont reply ur message.
i'm sorry.
u r really scary. =((
u scared me.
u scared me...
not  a little but a LOT!


Wanita itu istimewa


alhamdulillah happy sangat sekarang ini
sbb mv yang sy cari selama ini sudah
ketemu bak kata org indonesia ye, tp
sy bukan org indonesia, saya org Malaysia.
Warganegara Malaysia. hihik.

mv yang sy cari selama ni sy jumpa sbb ada 
sorang mak ck ni die share mv  ni kt fb.
omg! betapa gembiranya bila dpt
 bertemu kembali dgn mv ni.
tak sangka pulak, km ni ada jodoh. 
haha. alamak! out of topic la pulak. hihi.
sorry guys.

ok ok, continueee....

i like this mv very much!
i dont know why.
i'm speechless when people ask me 
why i like this mv this much.
if u ask me to rate this mv, 
i'll give 10 out of 5. haha.
i know it's too over. but
i'm telling the truth. this mv does 
useful fun n etc.

ok, i dont want to talk too much,
lets watch and u guys comment ok.
give your opinion later on. 

happy watching. =)

choppp! please do not misunderstanding me.
i'm using both english and malay cause i want
to test my english since i havent study
for such a long time. its not that i want
to show off that i'm good in english.
and i think i'm gonna fall in love
in using bahasa rojak in my blog.
soo, i hope readers wont mind.
cheers readers! thanks for reading.



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cuteyyy Pose

assalamualaikum readers. 
happy thursday hihik.

hari ini, saya mahu saudari saudara 
sekalian untuk mencuci mata 
melihat gambar2 sahaja.
dengan melihat gambar mereka ini
confirm anda akan tersenyum sendiri.
seperti saya sekarang ini. hahak!

ok, let's continue. . . . .

selamat mecuci mata =)



ini mama saya, cantek kan? ;p

~jumpa lagi ye semua~

sedap tapi bahaya

assalamualaikum semua.

ni da lewat malam, malas la nak membebel
panjang2 dan lama2. hihik.
hari ni just nak share pasal chewing gum.
tidak dapat dinafikan, saya sangat suka makan
chewing gum sbb rasanya yang enak a.k.a sedap.
tapi saudari dan saudara nak tahu something
tak? saya baru discover something
yang membuatkan saya berhenti makan benda ni.
saya masih berasa ragu2 untuk makan ini.
dalam islam, kalau kita ragu kat sesuatu benda,
maka benda tu secara automatik akan jadi haram
untuk kita.
thats why i dont eat them anymore until i found out 
the truth. ok, sila la tgk gambr di bawah
dan baca penerangannya.
sila kelik utk paparan yang lebih jelas ye.
alamak! xdapat kelik la.
nevermind, saudari saudara sekalian
sila lah besar kan mata anda. :P

ohhh yaa..
i almost forgot. hihi.
saya dapat information ni
dari sebuah blog, tp sayugianya
saya xingt link blog tu.
and i cant share it with u all.


kalau saudari dan saudara sekalian
ada apa2 maklumat tentang benda ni,
sila lah share ye. xbaek kedekut ilmu.
lagipun dapat pahala tau. :P




Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Do Care

i know i'm a bit late to post about the incident that
happen in Japan. it's not that i DONT wanna  post 
about  it, it's just that i dont know what to say. 
but for sure, i'm really sorry for them.
 i hope that people around the world won't stop
helping Japan. =)

lots of people have been confirmed dead
because of that. 
approximately 900 peoples  if i'm not wrong.
hihik, thanks to them that nowadays
i love to watch news to forward about
 what happen in Japan.

lots and lots of things i heard from
people about what happen in Japan.
i even read comment 
from social network suh as FB.
Some people felt sorry for them and some people not.
i just wonder, how could they
become so cruel that some of them
even laughing about  what had happen to Japan.
they said those Japanese peoples deserved that.
omg! i'm just speechless. don't they have any 
feeling of love and care towards them? 
and more, some of them even talk about
old history when Japan come to our country. 
how cruel Japanese people treat  malay people.
it's not that i want to forget our country history,
but everyone deserve second chance right?
and btw, that is a very old story. i bet everyone can change right?
and they might have change to become better nicer and kinder?
so why won't u open your heart to forgive others? 
forgive japanese people for what they have done?

ok guys, just forget those old story
and open up a new book. =)
that's better right? by then, we can live
happily together on this one earth.
just pray for the best for everyone on this earth.
help those needy, and caring towards
people around the world.
dont be a selfish person.
although we have the right to
give our opinion or say what we want
BUT we also should think about others feeling.
dont ever do something that you
 think right but in fact it is not right.

ok, i've talk a lot. haha. time for me to go.
remember guys, dont be too selfish.
do something that will
give advantage to yourself and other peoples. 
let's pray for the best for Japanese people. =)
learn something from the
earthquake that had happened  in Japan.


i want you all to listen to this song, it's really touching.
i got this from my friend's blog. credit to her. =p

Sunday, March 13, 2011


hello readers (if any ;p)

today's post is about skype.
i dont know how to use this things
what is the use of this things.


for sure, my sister ask me to
sign up in skype. 


so that she can send the the video 
that i want. ;p

wanna know what video that i want
from her?
it is a movie!
a type of horror movie.
it called MANTRA.

sounds kind a cool,
but dont know yet 
how was it.

cant wait to watch! haha

bye2 readers!
have a sweetdreams tonight!


cant wait! hihihi


Jum Watch! haha

assalamualaikum everyone!
peace be upon u.

hihi. sebagai seorang pengganggur yang sukses,
kini saya hanya duduk di rumah tanpa bekerja
seperti insan yang lain. haha
*skema giler*
so, aktiviti harian sy adalah, mkn
tido tgk tv pastu buat kerja2 rmh. haha

ok, back to original topic, i would
like to promote one niceyyy korean drama that 
i currently watch.
sangat fun tau.
mcm2 genre ada.
romantic, comedy and sad.
3 in 1 la. hihik.
nama drama ni, 
*do remember the title of the drama 
so that u won't confuse XD*

i watch this drama through channel oneHD (393)
in astro. but i am wayyy tooo
impatient to know the ending of the drama,
so i ask my bestt bestt fren to download 
it for me. :D
thanks to Allah that she agreed
haha! i love u!

ok ok, till then, bye2.
i'm gonna continue watching..
see u soon. haha. have a nice day.
btw, if u watch this drama, 
i recommend u to prepare i box
of tissue when u reach episode 10.
omg. it's too sad. hehe
see yaa!

both of them are the main actor and actress in this drama. =)


ok entry hari ni aku nak bagitaw
aku happy sbb aku da dpt identify mv yg ada
unsur illuminati atau tak.

baru2 ni dlm fb kwn aku ada tag kt fb aku
satu mv la, lagu orangputeh
aku xmaw kasi tau ape tajuk 
lagu tu sbb takt nanti aku kene
report sbb merosakkan lagu org. haha.

mase first2 aku tgk lagu ni kan, memang giler la, 
mcm kate kwn2 aku, intro lagu ni memang creepy!
kalau xcaye sudah. haha
tp kan mase first2 aku tgk mv tu, aku terus tertanye2,
knp mesti guna triangle dlm mv die,

pastu aku pk positif je la, haha.
pastu move on lagi tgk mv tu, tb2
ade pulak satu mata kt mv tu,
lepas tu simbol tangan,
lepas tu lagi simbol kepale kambing.
Nah! memang dah sah lagu ni ada unsur illuminati.
aku yakin sgt2.
haha. korang mesti xtahu betapa gembiranya aku sbb 
dpt discover bende ni sendiri. hihihi.

k la, see u all next time. hihi.

*entry aku simple and short aje hari ni sbb aku da mls.
hujan ni membuat aku jd makin mls. hahaha. gudnite u oll!~


Friday, March 11, 2011

I am Lost!

arghhhh! i think this is what happen to me now
i have no idea what gonna happen to me
i just can't stay living like this.
i want to continue my study faster
so that i won't be lazy to study next time.

omo! plus i still don't have any idea
what gonna happen to me lately.
i easily change my mind in doing something!
omg! i'm going crazy.

i haven't got my driving license
but i really want to have it.
BUT why i suddenly feel very lazy
to continue my driving class?
omg omg i really am going crazy. =.=

i don't want those feeling to appear!
please please help me!
what should i do?
i really want to get my car license as soon as possible.
i hope that my spirit won't fade!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Alhamdulillah i just finished my driving class
with that teacher. at first i feel scared
as i  forgot something that she had taught me.
omg! i started to feel nervous.

but then, i just ignored those feeling 
and started my driving class.
i  just want to do my best so
that i can proved to that teacher 
that i can do it.
but at last, i ended up making some mistakes
small mistakes i mean. haha.


the most important thing is
she didn't scold me too much. haha
she also didn't call me palui as
she did yesterday.
and i think her mood is getting better today.

hihihi. i felt relieved now.
i can start playing games now.
omg! i'm so happy.

honestly, i really can't sleep
last night thinking about what
is going to happen for today.
all that i can imagine is something
bad gonna happen.
i imagine that she will go out 
of the car and stop teaching me! lol.
i know it sounds funny
but it might happen right?
i just pray and hope something like
that won't happen at me.

ok, thats all guys, thanks for reading.
thanks to all my friends that have supported me
and help calming me.
thanks a lot.
love u guys!
hugs and kisses from me.

this is how i look like now. haha.
but don't ever imagine me as a cat. i am a normal human ok!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

if only

aku xtaw la tajuk entry ni dgn bende yg 
aku nak cite ni ada kaitan ke tak. 
haha. korang dgr la dulu cite aku.
 lepas tu korang komen la ye.

hari ini genap hari ke 5 aku belajar memandu
fuhhh masa first2 memang cikgu aku
garang tahap dewa kot.
ckgu aku kat skola lg belum 
penah marah aku mcm tu sekali.

aku da cakap yg aku xpenah maen kete
so kalau ada yg aku buat salah tu memang la salah
aku sbb aku nie memang lembap ckit.

hari ke 3 aku belajar memandu balek, baek pulak 
cikgu tu kat aku. aku pun happy sakan la
sbb guru yg garang tahap dewa tu da pandai
ketawa bila dgn aku.
kalau before ni aku nie memang asyik2 kene mara. 
nak senyum kt aku pun rasa menyampah je kot ckgu tu.

then hari ni pulak, cikgu tu mara aku.
nasib bek aku ni xde keberanian nak mara die balek.
aku buat salah ckit pun die mara.
die siap kate aku palui (mksdnya bodoh)
ya Allah, saba aje la aku.
aku siap senyum lagi mase die kate aku palui.

aku xpaham dgn ckgu tu, da name nye ckgu
mestila penyabar ckit. setiap orang tu berbeza.
ada orang yg cepat belajar and ade jugak yg tak.
aku la salah sorang orang yg x cepat belajar tu.

please la cikgu, jgn mara2 sy lg.
sy sgt takut kalau ckgu mara.
semangt sy untuk memandu pun rasenye mulai kurang. =(

esok ade lagi kelas memandu dgn ckgu tu.
harap2 everything will be okay.
doakan saye taw. =)

aku nak jugak tunjuk muka mcm ni kat ckgu aku tande protes
tp aku sedar sape aku ni. =(


P/s : dlm entry ni aku xspeaking sbb aku da malas.
laen kali la aku speaking balek test aku punye english.
harap2 xberkarat. muahahaha. doakan aku taw.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Besties Gift

hye again! i've got soo many ideas to post a new entry
for now. So, i just don't wanna waste my time by sharing 
a lot more pictures with u  all. hihi.

i just wanna show off something cute with u all.
haha. i know it is not a good habit to show off
but i don't care! hahaha

okay, back to the topic, here are some of the pictures 
that i can share with u.

u all can only watch it
through this blog ok.
no stealing (as if u can haha)

cute isn't it? ;p

this one belong to me. =)

this one belong to whom? just guess XP

the love shows how strong our friendship are. just pray for us.
pray for ur friendship too. it is not easy to get a good & a really best friend nowadays.

and i got this duckling as a free gift! omg i love it!
this is too cute for me! haha

and lastly, adios all. =)

p/s : if you guys wanna have this besties gift also, you can book it  here.
just choose the design you want.
for example type of animal you would like to choose 
and the suitable colour for it.
insyaAllah she can make it for you.
the price also affordable.
you will be satisfied with it. 

*best friend Forever*


Roses Are Red

hello guys! peace be upon you. =)
may today your day full with happiness
my entry today is about roses
here are some pictures of them
i just love to see this.
these roses are fresh from our home. hihi
my mom planted this.

happy reading everyone!

this rose is a little bit old but still look nice.
the petals look rusty. but still, it is cool! xp

i just love the shape of this rose, it is triangle in shape =)

no comment about this one.  hehe

the petals of the rose looks very nice 

old roses =p

old roses also

i don't edit this picture, i think it's the camera effect because i just using my cellphone camera. hahaha!

it looks like a garden full of roses but it is not. haha

*thanks for reading.
feel free to drop a comment

money money money

for today's post
i would like to promote an advertisement 
for bloggers
i've heard this from my friend's blog
it is just like
"make money through blogging"
and it sounds good
for an unemployed student just like me

ok,  first step :
click on the banner from my blog


2nd steps : click at the heartbeat icon

3rd steps : click at "create account" and fill in the application form

4th steps : After fill in the form, click at heartbeat's term of service and continue

5th steps : click at "JOIN HB! AFFILIATE" . After That click at "ONLINE APPLICATION"

It suppose to be join hb affiliate but since i'm already a member, i don't have the exact picture. tq =)

6th steps : Click at the "GET A CODE"

7th steps : choose type of advertisement that you want. For example, horizontal, vertical etc.
After that, paste it at your blog. =)

Final Steps : Click at MY HB AFFILIATE to check your earning. 

*good Luck*